Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How will I ever get followers...?

AUGUST 29, 0012

How will I ever get followers if I never post anything? That is the question! Again, weeks have gone by and I'm finally getting back to my blog. It isn't that I haven't been busy, but I also haven't felt very capable of having anything profound to say!

My thought have mostly been about getting older and trying to figure out my new life. Now for you young ones out there, you probably don't have a clue what I am talking about. But for anyone over fifty years of age this may sound familiar. As a very committed mother of five children, finding something to do with my life--something as significant as what I had been doing--has been a difficult road. It is also compounded by the realization that I am getting older. My ideas and thoughts don't sound as current and up to date as those of the upcoming generation. I resist Facebook, blogs (yes, it is true!), Pinterest, and all that sort of stuff for  books, magazines, radio, sewing, gardening, etc. It isn't that I want to be totally out of touch! I'm becoming more computer savvy all the time and am glad for the technology that has allowed me to write children's books, see and talk to my far away grandchildren, find the recipe I'm thinking of at a moment's notice, and write to a bunch (or probably very few) unknown people about the thoughts on my mind today!  I think, for me, who is a participator, and feels called to action when I hear a need, I am easily overwhelmed. For that reason I try to reduce the size of my world by limiting my Facebook and blog time, otherwise, the weight of everyone's joys, sorrows, frustrations, abilities to craft, abilities to cook-to be clever in every way weighs me down or makes me feel inadequate. Can anyone identify?

Back to my quest for meaning. Writing children's books, something for the next generation, has filled some of that void for me. To update you a little, my third book, A VERY SPECIAL FAMILY, is out and can be purchased from my website or at the Christian bookstores in Newton and McPherson, Ks.
In fact, I'm traveling to Dallas next week to do a book signing with the family who the story is really about. It will be at the Christian school, Trinity Christian Academy, in Addison where Jon Millet, the father (dog) in the story is the head of the art department. I'm excited about my trip as I'll see my daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter but also see the Millets again. My prayer is they will be honored and blessed by sharing this book with their world.

I've also planted some other "seeds," trying to get the word out about the book. I'll let you know if any of those "sprout." I'm getting good at writing letters, little summaries, and articles to promote my books. My English skills have certainly improved from my younger years. I think I have home-schooling to thank for that! At least someone learned something!

Well, thanks for letting an older woman speak her mind a little bit. Maybe I'll get this "getting older" thing figured out and then I'll write a very insightful book about getting old gracefully, but until then......

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