Wednesday, January 4, 2012

November 2, 2011

My, time flies and its been two weeks since I’ve written. I’ve been doing some work on book stuff. I don’t know if I should tell you this but I’m realizing that without some connection, interesting life story, famous name, or something that really stands out, the chances of getting published for the merit of your work is very unlikely. This is a hard reality for me and I keep hoping for my own little “miracle” to happen and someone to say, “Yes!!!! We would love to publish and market your books.”  So I’ve been racking my brain to think of ways to be famous. I can ride on the coat tales of some very famous bloggers in our area—that might work. I could contract a rare tropical disease that turns my toes orange with purple spots. This would create enough curiosity that someone may want to read my stories. I thought about putting advertising on our car so that my stories would get exposure where ever I went…the list is endless!!! 
There has arisen an interesting twist that I will briefly share with you. Long ago, probably twenty-five years ago at least, we had a friend who had an idea for a Christian game. Being the optimist that he is, my husband said he would help our friend get the game produced. Long story-short it was produced after getting swindled out of many thousands of dollars. When I say swindled I mean robbed in the true sense of the word. The reason for this is multifaceted, but the bottomline is we should have produced it in the US rather than overseas. It had some success like appearing in the Penney’s Catalog one Christmas as well as being a promotional gift for Focus on the Family. Even now we will hear something occasionally from someone who owns the game. Recently we have had a person and a company inquire about producing it again. My daughter’s husband who is a bit like his father-in-law suggested that we should look into producing it ourselves since it is in “high demand!” So who knows? Maybe we will be running a book and toy company in the future!!! Actually our friend who thought up the game has a very interesting and rather heartbreaking story: his wife has Huntington’s disease and he has Parkinson’s disease. He is still interested in being involved. He also made up a pre-school game called “Tears and Smiles” so maybe that will also be part of our product line. Does this all sound wild? Maybe it is and maybe not. We don’t know exactly what God has in mind for these creative ideas that are meant to honor Him.  Just keep your eyes open. You never know where Flitty, Twitty, and Itty Bitty will turn up!

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